Tuesday 10 April 2007

The choking episode!

This evening having one of his usual dinners of broccoli, gnocchi, sweet potato and cheese sauce, i was sat with him passing him chunks of food because if i give it him all he starts dropping it over the edge of the high chair looking down and watching it drop, he suddenly threw his arms in the air and his face started to go red, i did at first just think he was trowing a tantrum as he was very tired but as i watched he was silent, his eyes were watering and he was beginning to gasp for breath. It seemed to be about 30seconds but in reality i bet it wasn't 10 seconds before i whipped him out of his high chair placed him over my knee with his face, facing the floor it took about 4 pats and out flew the gnocchi. He did cry for about 30seconds then he was looking for his dinner i put him back in his high chair and he was off eating again! I am so glad that i read about choking before i started BLW.
Generally throughout it been a bad food day, breakfast was fine back on raisin wheat's, then we went out for lunch and a daring Mummy didn't take him any, well we went to a restaurant in Sheffield called Boardwalk i was assuming that I'd be able to order him a plain chicken breast and some veg. No such luck the chicken breast was easy but they DON'T have veg!! So i had to resorted to chicken breast and garlic bread BAD BAD move, the chicken breast was reformed chicken and the garlic bread was salt city - might i add this is not a cheap restaurant it cost us £30 for the two of us just to have main courses! I'm well pi**ed off about it, i ended up having to pop into the local M&S and by a loaf of bread and cheese spread and fruit! Lesson learnt there!
I'm off to eat curry and drink larger after my traumatic day!
Link below is a quiz about what you'd do.


Anonymous said...

How scary that must have been hun, but typical boy looking for the rest of his dinner straight afterwards! Glad he is okay.

Gnocci is a great idea btw - good tip!


Mel x

Christy said...

Porgie has never choked on her food - yet. Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

Great link, thanks!

I worry about choking, but I feel better having seen this website; now I have a better idea what to do. So sorry it happened to you!

I hate restaurant food that's expensive and not good. I woulda just stayed home!

hilly said...

well done for coping so well with such a terrifying experience. i have resigned myself that it is likely to happen to us eventually so i've done a bit of research on what to do. i'll check out that link too.
hope you're not dwelling on it too much today.
best wishes,

S said...

Wow, that'd scare me too!
Thanks for the link. I'm going to check it out now.

Jeasmin said...

Scary or what. Although I know what to do in theory, I hope I can do the same in practice - pray that I never have to though.

Well done.


Em said...

Honestly - very scary but i think any of you would be suprised how quick you jump to action - i was.

Glad the link was helpful

Hannah Walker said...

Very scarey indeed! Erin has only choked once on a piece of apple, it was scarey and you are right you do act very quickly!

When people say how can you tell if they're choking i say "you'll know!" and you do don't you.

Glad all is ok x