Friday 20 April 2007

A big boyz lunch!

The picture is my friends little boy C and Billy enjoying tomato sausage and veg pancakes. It was like feeding time at the zoo. C had tomato sauce with his, quite amusing he's nearly 2.5yrs old and he kept saying "dip, dip, dip, dipping" and even when he'd still got some left "more dipping Mummy, more dipping Mummy" interpreted that means "more sauce please Mummy". Billy is just mesmerised by other children, he may have been staring but it didn't put him off his food!


Eva said...

so sweet. I hope we get to try adventurous things too, soon.

Christy said...

Billy looks star struck!

Anonymous said...

Definitely starstruck, glad to see hes not put off though! Caity's actually eaten something other than the table! your alfresco idea did the trick! Just have to work on the digestion now, carrot went in, carrot came out!

Em said...

Yep carrot comes out exactly as in went in for us too!