Sunday 8 April 2007

Sleeping like a baby or not as the case may be!!!!

A very busy few days - i have plenty to tell and catch up on.
What shall i do with his sleep???
He normally gets up 630-7am then goes back to sleep at 930-10am for up to 2 hours and then mid afternoon has a 30-45min sleep but the last week he's not been sleepy at bedtime so wont go to bed, the worst its been was last night he was up until 1030pm!
He always goes to bed in his cot but yesterday i had a major hangover and let him sleep on our bed with me, as i was been a lazy Mummy! (the picture)
I've tried no afternoon sleep and he was a nightmare at bath time, I'm gonna try getting him to go to sleep later in the morning. Any suggestions are welcome!


Anonymous said...

We like the 2-3-4 sleep schedule...two hours after they wake up in the morning they have their first nap. Three hours after they wake up from that nap, they nap again. Four hours later (actually 2.5 in our case--we have a sleepy baby) is bedtime.

Christy said...

We use the 2-3-4 sleep schedule too. The key to its success in my house is waking Porgie up if she sleeps too long. Porgie typically wakes up at 7:30 and goes down for her first nap around 9:30 or 10:00. I never let her sleep past 12:00. She typically goes down for her next nap around 2:30 or 3:00. I never let her sleep past 4:00. We start our bedtime routine around 7:30 and she is usually asleep by no later than 8:30.

I hope this helps.

S said...

We follow a similar pattern to the above. K has his own schedule though of NEEDING a nap after 2-3 hours. He'll get super cranky if we go longer than that.

Cute pic! Why do all baby's sleep with their rear in the air?!