Sunday 8 April 2007

His first easter egg!

Mummy will enjoy it! We all know I'm a pig with my food. On the subject of my food. I dared to get my pre-pregnancy clothes out of the loft. Well needless to say i was very upset, i am by no means huge but bigger than before. I know it comes to us all, i really did think I'd be one of the lucky ones and just stepped back into my clothes. At this rate i don't think I'll ever loose weight! I have now decided that I'm going to starve! Joking! I am now going to get my arse in to gear and diet properly and stop eating so much shit! I hate to say it but i think i might actually join weight watchers!
I am not buying a new set of clothes for the summer!


Anonymous said...

A lot of people do well on WW...whatever you want! I bet the weight will come off easily enough now that Billy's starting to keep you busy by being mobile.

Christy said...

I can totally relate. Losing wieght is hard.