Thursday 31 May 2007

The Weight Watchers news!

I am only posting because i am so incredibly happy! God know how but i have actually lost 3.5lb in last 2weeks! Didn't go last week, could be bothered and nearly didn't go today as i thought I'd have gained weight! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Christy said...

Great job! Although I am no longer trying to lose weight, I hope that I can maintain my current weight until the baby reaches 20 weeks.

S said...

That's great! I fell off the wagon last week and I'm working on it again.

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

much congratulations, I'm sending you my lose weight vibes as various health professionals are 'concerned' with how much weight I'm losing and how fast, already I weigh nearly 1/2 stone less than I did before I got pregnant and shes only 29 weeks! oops!I can't seem to eat enough to compensate for the calories used up in milk production, though she definitely isn't going hungry, gained almost a lb in 3 weeks! Very impressive as previous record is 10lbs in that time and average is about 6! Go BLW

Anonymous said...

oops that should read previous record 10 ozs!

Eva said...


Oh, I'm losing it, I just stared at "congratulations" for 5 minutes unable to decide if I'm spelling it right.

Anonymous said...


My weight loss has stalled due to the vending machine at school, but after my class is over I hope I'll be back on track.