Sunday 25 March 2007

What a difference a week makes!

Last week where we've put him down he pretty much stayed, last week when we've put him in his cot to sleep he was it the same place there abouts the following morning, last week he ate 4x8oz bottles per day, last week he'd stir 2-3per night (not waked), last week he'd wake us in the morning by crying.

This week he's off commando style he's chase us between rooms, this week we've found him during the night in his cot the complete opposite direction to where we put him to sleep and laid against the bottom of the cot, this week he's decided he no longer needs a 11am bottle so its now 7x8-7oz bottles per day, this week he's stirred once per night most nights, this week we've found him sat up in his cot and standing and just playing when he wakes!

I'm in on own tonight gonna ruin diet having dirty takeaway and a few glasses, then gonna firmly root my bum to the sette to watch the back log on sky plus of ER and Desperate house wives! Had a shit day at work, think one of the boys has it in for me, he's deliberately defying me. Think he's the kind to be making complaints and raising grievances, so i''m having to do stuff by the book which isn't my style and it tiring!


Christy said...

I can totally relate to this post. Porgie never wants to drink her bottles anymore (I think she is actually trying to wean herself). I get frustrated when she won't drink her milk because I know it has the vitamins and nutrients she needs.

Also, Porgie has learned how to sit up independently. Sometimes I have to go into her nursery repeatedly to lay her down. She tries to pull herself up to a standing poisition, but falls backwards. This is really starting to negatively affect nap time.

Em said...

I think we our babies are living the same lifes but in different countrys!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about work problems. Work sucks. I certainly don't miss it. I hear about it from my old friends at work and don't envy them at all!

Babies certainly change a lot. It's amazing. I always wonder if it's confusing for them.

You deserve the take-out.