Sunday 18 March 2007


Well i saw my card yesterday as i escaped work a hour early and it was sat waiting to be written. I got nice big card, a leather filofax (as requested, need it for work as i have so much to plan i.e child care etc - yes thought about a blackberry or some form of mobile organiser device but i want to write it down and yes i know I'm a bad example as i sell them!) and some flake moments. The flakes i have already eaten the top layer of, doubt they'll last the day to be honest, I don't buy chocolate as i know I'm greedy!

Breakfast was omelette and toast, we are now on best of both type breads. The bread doesnt seem to be making a difference but may have not given them long enough!
He may not have chicken pox but he's got a cough now - why does he catch everything? I always thought breastfed babies had a higher immunity?? I fed him until he was 6months. But hey what would he have been like if not BF could have been far worse!


Anonymous said...

Hopefully he won't get too sick!

So it's mother's day in the UK already? We have ours in May. I think.

Your first mother's day--how exciting!!! Glad they remembered.

Em said...

They had no chnace of forgetting it - reminded them so any times! LOL

Jeasmin said...

Yes, I thought bf babies had a higher immunity and my lo seems to have the runny nose, and sneezing quite a lot and now she has a nasy cough, and i am still bf her at 7 1/2 months.

Anonymous said...

I've read that the immunity thing is a myth, that for primates, the antibodies in human milk don't get to the baby in the way described, as it does for other mammals. However, human milk IS better nutrition, which helps babies to fend off illness. Who knows?